Largely Buddhists in religion, the Karen have many temples inside the Mae La camp. Like their Thai neighbors, the Burmese and ethnic groups inside Burma fuse traditional Theravada Buddhism with animism, spirit and ancestor worship. Many monks protested the Burmese military in Rangoon and were shot the same as other civilians. These young novice monks live inside temple compounds atop a high, dusty hill. As dusk came on, I spent time with them, photographing and asking questions through my guide. I was moved by their playful smiles though I know the crush of the refugee life touches their young lives. Though I have studied the philosophy of Buddhism through books and lessons, little of the formal scriptures help me understand these people. When we talk though I see many of their questions are my questions, their problems and desires the same as all of us—to Hope in a better world, a love that will last.
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